About me…

OVERVIEW (Complete CV)

photo by Rini Nurjayanti

I have found my passion for mathematics since I was in high school. I was selected as one of the Indonesian delegations for the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) for high school students in 2004 and I got one of the first medals for Indonesia in the International Mathematics Competition (IMC) for university students in 2005 and 2006 that led me to get scholarships for my undergraduate and master from Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM), the university that I am working at as a lecturer and researcher.

During my undergraduate studies, I started believing that mathematics can be used to solve a lot of real-life problems. I then took a topic in a mathematical model for his undergraduate thesis. However, I realized that applied math without a deep concept in the mathematical analysis would not be optimal. Therefore, I did his master thesis in operator theory to get a deeper intuition in mathematical analysis. That was not the end of my mathematical journey because I then did a Ph.D. in applied statistics, which was supervised by a professor in statistical theory and an expert in biometric recognition, which trained my skill in solving problems with suitable theoretical and practical doses.

As a researcher, I have a spirit to widen the applications of mathematics in the real world without forgetting the concept itself. In 2017, I got the European Biometrics Research Award for my new copula-based method for combining biometric recognition systems. Recently, with my student, I published a paper in Vehicle Routing Problem optimization, which was a joint work with Gojek-Indonesia, one of the unicorn startup companies in Indonesia. This motivates me to have more collaborations with industries to bring students closer to them.

In order to get a comprehensive knowledge of actuarial science, I took a professional MActSc program at the University of Waterloo, which was funded by Global Affairs Canada and Manulife Indonesia through a READI scholarship award.

I am passionate about problem-based mathematical models. Besides working in mathematical theory, I have applied mathematics and statistics in biometrics, control and optimization, smoking behavior, epidemic models, finance, and actuarial science.

I am open to any discussion related to the language of mathematics in solving your problems. If you’re interested in any topic and can’t find it on the webpage – don’t hesitate to contact me!