Current Students
- Utti Marina Rifanti: Mathematical Model with Reinforcement Learning (Joint supervision with Dr. Lina Aryati, M.S. and Prof. Hadi Susanto)
- Ririn Setiyowati: Mathematical Model in Pollutant Spread (Joint supervision with Dr. Lina Aryati, M.S. and Dr. Sumardi)
- Evita Purnaningrum: Development of an Extractive Text-To-Text Summarization Model in the Mixed Sequential Exploration Method (Joint supervision with Dr. Abdurakhman, M.Si.)
- Diah Safitri:Hybrid Singular Spectrum Analysis-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Model (Joint supervision with Dr. Gunardi, M.Si. and Dr. Winita Sulandari)
- M. Syamsuddin Wisnubroto: Copula-based Classification (Joint supervision with Dr. Sumardi)
- Shafira Fauzia Untsa (Joint supervision with Dr. Danang Teguh Qoyyimi)
- Silvina Rosita Yulianti (Joint supervision with Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie)
- Arima Trisminingsih (Joint supervision with Dr. Noorma Yulia M)
Past Students
- In parentheses () indicate the graduation year
- An asterisk (*) indicates that the article was published in a journal/proceedings
- Dwi Lestari (2024): Analysis of A Mathematical model of Hepatitis C in Cellular Level using A Stochastic Differential Equation Approach (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo and Dr. Noorma Yulia M)
- (*)Ghiffari Ahnaf Danarwindu (2024): A Quasi-Birth-Death Perspective of Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered Type Model (Joint supervision with Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih)
- (*)Latifah Hanum (2024): Sensitivity analysis unveils the interplay of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Glioma cells: Implications of chemotherapy and anti-angiogenic therapy (Joint supervision with Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih)
- (*)Moh. Mashum Mujur Ihsanjaya (2023): A mathematical model for policy of vaccinating recovered people in controlling the spread of COVID-19 outbreak
- Rizqiyatul Ula (2022): Dinamika Model Epidemi Deterministik dan Stokastik SIIRC pada COVID-19 (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)
- Wahyu Mega Wulandari (2022): Analisis Support Vector Regression untuk Memprediksi Produk Domestik Bruto Indonesia.
- Naela Faza Fariha (2021): Bidang Interpolasi Fraktal yang diturunkan dari Sistem Fungsi Iterasi serta Program Aplikasinya.
- (*)Erny Rahayu Wijayanti (2021): Topic in Finite element method for stochastic partial differential equations (Joint supervision with Dr. Sumardi)
- Ikfan Febriyana (2019): Bifurcation analysis of mathematical model for malaria disease with Wolbachia (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)
- (*)Nur Endah Ardiyanti (2019): Analysis of which factors are important in controlling the number of smokers in Indonesia
- Zulfiani Rohmah (2019): Analysis of stability of SIRC model for the spread of influenza virus between two locations (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)
- Ira Meidiana Putri (2024): Insurance Claim Modeling with Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution and Its Application Based on IFRS 17
- Gemilang Putri Himawan (2024): Claim Reserve Modeling with Archimedean Copula and Its Application in Estimating Liability for Incurred Claims Based on IFRS 17
- Mohamad Adhikasurya Haidar (2024): Long Short-Term Memory for Smart Reply Application
- Risala Nabila Imani (2024): Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of App Chat Complaint Message Using Convolutional Neural Network
- Ricki Cahyo Saputro (2023): Analisis Sentimen terkait Kandidat Calon Presiden menggunakan metode Stacked Gated Recurrent Unit dan Attention Mechanism
- Emil Valentino (2023): Pengaplikasian Tree Based Machine Learning pada Prediksi Frekuensi Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Komersial
- Alya Paramita (2023): Analisis Stabilitas dan Kendali Optimal Model Penyebaran Rumor dengan Adanya Laporan Media
- Darren Pratama (2023): Penilaian Premi Berdasarkan Kesejahteraan Sosial Melalui Analisis Loss Coverage Produk Asuransi Berdasarkan Utilitas Kardinal Konsumen
- Anastasia Nathania Putri (2023): Analisis Bifurkasi pada Model Matematika Penyakit Busuk Batang Sclerotium dengan Pemberian Agen Biokontrol Trichoderma harzianum
- Reta Salma Adhani (2023): Perbandingan Metode Klasifikasi Rotation Forest dan Random Forest pada Data Tanah Longsor
- Carina Gunawan (2023): Penentuan Premi Murni dengan Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Bayesian (joint supervision with M Ivan Faizal, MM, FSAI, AAAIK)
- Tiara Lutfi Mela Azzahra (2023): Prediksi Frekuensi Multi-Klaim dengan Model Zero-Inflated Hurdle pada Asuransi Kendaraan
- Ni Luh Umadewi Arsari (2023): Estimasi Cadangan Klaim dengan Pengaplikasian Bootstrap padaa Metode Double Chain Ladder (joint supervision with M Ivan Faizal, MM, FSAI, AAAIK)
- Fitri Hestikarani (2022): Pengaruh Kebijakan PPKM Berlevel terhadap Pengendalian Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Otomatisasi dengan Reinforcement Learning
- Puspita Candradewi (2022): Kontrol Optimal Treatment pada Model Matematika Perilaku Merokok
- Anisa Nurul Aizah (2022): Pengaturan dan Optimisasi Model dengan Antrean Cepat dan Metode Pembayaran Non-Tunai
- Adhelia Jody Alshara (2022): Analisis Stabilitas dan Kendali Optimal Model Penyebaran Rumor dengan Adanya Laporan Media
- Yosephine Fianti Feprianingsih (2021): Masalah Penjadwalan Timetabling Kelas Perkuliahan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetik
- Muhammad Amin Mubarok (2021): Kontrol Optimal pada Model Matematika Penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia.
- Muhammad Zuhri Arfin (2021): Optimisasi Portofolio dengan Kendala Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR).
- Akhmad Sultoni (2020): Metode Variansi dalam Percepatan Proses Kompresi Citra Fraktal
- Annisa Muchlisin (2020): Solving the Rasch model using newton-raphson method to analyze the numerical ability of new students of UGM (Joint supervision with Dr. Solikhatun)
- Annisa Febriana (2019): The effectiveness analysis of anti-smoking socialization on smoking epidemic model
- (*)Stacia Gunawan (2019): Vehicle routing problem with pick-up and deliveries using genetic algorithm in express delivery services (Joint supervision with Syafri Bahar FRM)
- (*)Moh. Mashum Mujur Ihsanjaya (2019): Mathematical model of changes in smoking behavior which involves smokers who temporarily and permanently quit smoking
- (*)Rana Jullanar Juman (2019): Multi-objective optimization in determining the location of the transportation hub with generated data using nonparametric statistics
- (*)Clara Mia Devira Simarmata (2019): Smoking epidemic model with density-dependent death rate and numerical sensitivity analysis
- Muhammad Rizky Mangkuwidjaya (2019): Biometric score level fusion using isotonic regression
- Iqbal Jundi Hammadi (2019): An analysis of a mathematical model for smoking behavior changes using the python program
- Ahmad Rifal Alfarisi (2019): Application of upper integral and lower integral to the multibiometrics score fusion in the identification model
- Abdul Salim (2019): Support vector machine by using piecewise linear feature mapping
- Damar Krisnandi Ramdan (2019): The multiple substructure matching method on graph representation of minutiae
- Annisa Ulfa Rahma (2018): Mathematical model for typhoid fever with death rate of density-dependent
- Rahmi Asriani (2017): Model reduction of interconnected systems (Joint supervision with Dr. Solikhatun)
- Tito Dwi Hidayat (2017): A modified differential transformation method using Laplace-Pade approach
- Edy Pramono Putro (2017): Mathematical model of malaria disease with prevention
- Arvin Kusba Munawar (2010): Application of binomial option pricing model