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Current Students


  1. Utti Marina Rifanti: Mathematical Model with Reinforcement Learning (Joint supervision with Dr. Lina Aryati, M.S. and Prof. Hadi Susanto)
  2. Ririn Setiyowati: Mathematical Model in Pollutant Spread (Joint supervision with Dr. Lina Aryati, M.S. and Dr. Sumardi)
  3. Evita Purnaningrum: Development of an Extractive Text-To-Text Summarization Model in the Mixed Sequential Exploration Method (Joint supervision with Dr. Abdurakhman, M.Si.)
  4. Diah Safitri:Hybrid Singular Spectrum Analysis-Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroscedasticity Model (Joint supervision with Dr. Gunardi, M.Si. and Dr. Winita Sulandari)
  5. M. Syamsuddin Wisnubroto: Copula-based Classification (Joint supervision with Dr. Sumardi)


  1. Shafira Fauzia Untsa (Joint supervision with Dr. Danang Teguh Qoyyimi)
  2. Silvina Rosita Yulianti (Joint supervision with Dr. Adhitya Ronnie Effendie)
  3. Arima Trisminingsih (Joint supervision with Dr. Noorma Yulia M)


Past Students

  • In parentheses () indicate the graduation year
  • An asterisk (*) indicates that the article was published in a journal/proceedings


  1. Dwi Lestari (2024): Analysis of A Mathematical model of Hepatitis C in Cellular Level using A Stochastic Differential Equation Approach (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo and Dr. Noorma Yulia M)


  1. (*)Ghiffari Ahnaf Danarwindu (2024)A Quasi-Birth-Death Perspective of Susceptible-Infectious-Recovered Type Model (Joint supervision with Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih)
  2. (*)Latifah Hanum (2024)Sensitivity analysis unveils the interplay of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant Glioma cells: Implications of chemotherapy and anti-angiogenic therapy (Joint supervision with Dr. Dwi Ertiningsih)
  3. (*)Moh. Mashum Mujur Ihsanjaya (2023): A mathematical model for policy of vaccinating recovered people in controlling the spread of COVID-19 outbreak
  4. Rizqiyatul Ula (2022): Dinamika Model Epidemi Deterministik dan Stokastik SIIRC pada COVID-19 (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)
  5. Wahyu Mega Wulandari (2022): Analisis Support Vector Regression untuk Memprediksi Produk Domestik Bruto Indonesia.
  6. Naela Faza Fariha (2021): Bidang Interpolasi Fraktal yang diturunkan dari Sistem Fungsi Iterasi serta Program Aplikasinya.
  7. (*)Erny Rahayu Wijayanti (2021): Topic in Finite element method for stochastic partial differential equations (Joint supervision with Dr. Sumardi)
  8. Ikfan Febriyana (2019): Bifurcation analysis of mathematical model for malaria disease with Wolbachia (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)
  9. (*)Nur Endah Ardiyanti (2019): Analysis of which factors are important in controlling the number of smokers in Indonesia
  10. Zulfiani Rohmah (2019): Analysis of stability of SIRC model for the spread of influenza virus between two locations (Joint supervision with Dr. Fajar Adi Kusumo)


  1. Ira Meidiana Putri (2024): Insurance Claim Modeling with Multivariate Skew-Normal Distribution and Its Application Based on IFRS 17
  2. Gemilang Putri Himawan (2024): Claim Reserve Modeling with Archimedean Copula and Its Application in Estimating Liability for Incurred Claims Based on IFRS 17
  3. Mohamad Adhikasurya Haidar (2024): Long Short-Term Memory for Smart Reply Application
  4. Risala Nabila Imani (2024): Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis of App Chat Complaint Message Using Convolutional Neural Network
  5. Ricki Cahyo Saputro (2023)Analisis Sentimen terkait Kandidat Calon Presiden menggunakan metode Stacked Gated Recurrent Unit dan Attention Mechanism
  6. Emil Valentino (2023)Pengaplikasian Tree Based Machine Learning pada Prediksi Frekuensi Klaim Asuransi Kendaraan Bermotor Komersial
  7. Alya Paramita (2023)Analisis Stabilitas dan Kendali Optimal Model Penyebaran Rumor dengan Adanya Laporan Media
  8. Darren Pratama (2023)Penilaian Premi Berdasarkan Kesejahteraan Sosial Melalui Analisis Loss Coverage Produk Asuransi Berdasarkan Utilitas Kardinal Konsumen
  9. Anastasia Nathania Putri (2023)Analisis Bifurkasi pada Model Matematika Penyakit Busuk Batang Sclerotium dengan Pemberian Agen Biokontrol Trichoderma harzianum
  10. Reta Salma Adhani (2023)Perbandingan Metode Klasifikasi Rotation Forest dan Random Forest pada Data Tanah Longsor
  11. Carina Gunawan (2023)Penentuan Premi Murni dengan Generalized Linear Model (GLM) Bayesian (joint supervision with M Ivan Faizal, MM, FSAI, AAAIK)
  12. Tiara Lutfi Mela Azzahra (2023)Prediksi Frekuensi Multi-Klaim dengan Model Zero-Inflated Hurdle pada Asuransi Kendaraan
  13. Ni Luh Umadewi Arsari (2023)Estimasi Cadangan Klaim dengan Pengaplikasian Bootstrap padaa Metode Double Chain Ladder (joint supervision with M Ivan Faizal, MM, FSAI, AAAIK)
  14. Fitri Hestikarani (2022)Pengaruh Kebijakan PPKM Berlevel terhadap Pengendalian Pandemi Covid-19 Berdasarkan Otomatisasi dengan Reinforcement Learning
  15. Puspita Candradewi (2022)Kontrol Optimal Treatment pada Model Matematika Perilaku Merokok
  16. Anisa Nurul Aizah (2022)Pengaturan dan Optimisasi Model dengan Antrean Cepat dan Metode Pembayaran Non-Tunai
  17. Adhelia Jody Alshara (2022)Analisis Stabilitas dan Kendali Optimal Model Penyebaran Rumor dengan Adanya Laporan Media
  18. Yosephine Fianti Feprianingsih (2021): Masalah Penjadwalan Timetabling Kelas Perkuliahan Menggunakan Algoritma Genetik
  19. Muhammad Amin Mubarok (2021): Kontrol Optimal pada Model Matematika Penyebaran COVID-19 di Indonesia.
  20. Muhammad Zuhri Arfin (2021): Optimisasi Portofolio dengan Kendala Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR).
  21. Akhmad Sultoni (2020): Metode Variansi dalam Percepatan Proses Kompresi Citra Fraktal
  22. Annisa Muchlisin (2020): Solving the Rasch model using newton-raphson method to analyze the numerical ability of new students of UGM (Joint supervision with Dr. Solikhatun)
  23. Annisa Febriana (2019): The effectiveness analysis of anti-smoking socialization on smoking epidemic model
  24. (*)Stacia Gunawan (2019): Vehicle routing problem with pick-up and deliveries using genetic algorithm in express delivery services (Joint supervision with Syafri Bahar FRM)
  25. (*)Moh. Mashum Mujur Ihsanjaya (2019): Mathematical model of changes in smoking behavior which involves smokers who temporarily and permanently quit smoking
  26. (*)Rana Jullanar Juman (2019): Multi-objective optimization in determining the location of the transportation hub with generated data using nonparametric statistics
  27. (*)Clara Mia Devira Simarmata (2019): Smoking epidemic model with density-dependent death rate and numerical sensitivity analysis
  28. Muhammad Rizky Mangkuwidjaya (2019): Biometric score level fusion using isotonic regression
  29. Iqbal Jundi Hammadi (2019): An analysis of a mathematical model for smoking behavior changes using the python program
  30. Ahmad Rifal Alfarisi (2019): Application of upper integral and lower integral to the multibiometrics score fusion in the identification model
  31. Abdul Salim (2019)Support vector machine by using piecewise linear feature mapping
  32. Damar Krisnandi Ramdan (2019): The multiple substructure matching method on graph representation of minutiae
  33. Annisa Ulfa Rahma (2018): Mathematical model for typhoid fever with death rate of density-dependent
  34. Rahmi Asriani (2017): Model reduction of interconnected systems (Joint supervision with Dr. Solikhatun)
  35. Tito Dwi Hidayat (2017): A modified differential transformation method using Laplace-Pade approach
  36. Edy Pramono Putro (2017): Mathematical model of malaria disease with prevention
  37. Arvin Kusba Munawar (2010): Application of binomial option pricing model